48 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello!
    Thank you for following my blog. I know how many interesting blogs are out there and feel honored that you picked mine to follow. I hope my stories entertain and inform and my photos bring you joy and wonderment.
    I travel mostly local but try to always find interesting places. I have lived in several different places and dig through my archives of photos to bring glimpses into places I have been. Sometimes I post a recipe because food tells a lot about culture.
    I am not a professional photographer, so my photos are sometimes a little fuzzy and there are telephone poles and wires and other things along with what I was photographing. The older photos are 35mm, the newer are point and shoot digital and a few are Samsung Smartphone.
    I am new to blogging so if you have any advice or critique please drop me a comment.
    Thank you again for following and to quote Mark Twain: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain
    Iris the Wanderer

  2. Hi, I like you bio! I wanted to thank you for the follow!
    My blog is a bilingual one. So you may get links to poems in English as well as to some in Italian… Pictures, on the other hand, have no language barriers 😉
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Spirit Sunshine,
    Nice name, btw.. Thank you for following me. I’m honored. Will be reading more of you. You’re so talented. And so positive. 🙂 Now, there are more sunshine around us. Woohoo! 😀

  4. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can see my list of nominees here and find out what the liebster award is here at bepresentyoga.wordpress.com

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